Scour and cable protection

Nature enhancement solutions
About scour and cable protection

Staying intact

Scour and cable protection are a great starting point for nature inclusive design. Both solutions create a ‘reef effect,’ providing new settlement and shelter opportunities for species. Scour protection is often used in dynamic sandy conditions for fixed offshore wind turbines. Traditionally a layer of rocks such as granite is used to prevent scour in the sand around the foundation of the turbines.


The electricity cables that connect the wind turbines to the grid are protected in a similar manner. The cables are typically placed under the surface of the (mostly sandy) substrate. When this can’t be done — for example, at cable crossings — the cables are covered by large granite rocks and a ‘sprinkler’ layer of smaller rocks. The latter is required in areas outside of wind farms, to ensure safe fishing.

Rockin' out on hard substrates

European lobster

Enhanced rock protection layers create new housing opportunities for European lobsters (Homarus gammarus), which love to make themselves at home around hard substrates, holes, and crevices. Lobsters can settle right inside or underneath the rocks and boulders, which provide extra space for shelter and burrowing. With more suitable habitats, the lobster population can grow again – and happy lobsters make a happier sea! By supporting our lobster friends, we’re supporting the whole food web of a marine area, since lobsters have high living standards and won’t settle for locations with scarce shelter or foraging options.


(Image by Udo van Dongen)

Eurpean lobster hiding under rock with deadmans thumb
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Reef enhancement ideas

Boulders and stones

  • cover Low
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Big bags or vessel
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover No synthetic materials
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Tree reef being lifted above sea surface with blue vessel in the back


  • cover Medium
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Vessel, big bags or crane
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover No need for decommissioning
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Cable mattresses

  • cover High
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Crane
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover No natural variation
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Large artificial reefs

  • cover High
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Crane
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover Adjustable designs
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Small artificial reefs

  • cover Medium
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Big bags or vessel
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover Adjustable designs
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Reef enhancement projects

Scour and cable protection

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