Visual of underwater landscape around a wind turbine

Stand-alone structures

Stand-alone structures aren’t attached to turbines or platforms, and can function without them. They can be installed in between turbines, in or outside of safety zones (depending on national regulations), and on or near scour protection.

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Wind turbines and platforms

Nature inclusive design, by definition, considers nature from the start. Wind turbines and platforms enable many opportunities for this, such as artificial reefs or water replenishment holes.

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Scour and cable protection

Scour and cable protection are a great starting point for nature inclusive design. Both solutions create a ‘reef effect,’ providing new settlement and shelter opportunities for species.

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Nature enhancements can be targeted toward specific species and habitats. Find out what solutions are available for our underwater friends.
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Monitoring is critical to measure the efficacy of nature enhancement projects in offshore wind farms. Each monitoring process must adhere to safety measures, observing regulations, and navigating turbulent waters.
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