Scour protection in Twelve Mile Reef, USA

In 2022, ECOncrete deployed over 4,000 scour protection units and rock material (control)  for comparison at Twelve Mile Reef, an offshore test site in Long Island, New York in coordination with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Manufactured locally, the scour protection system was deployed following standard offshore installation procedures.

The project, supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), evaluates the effects of ecologically engineered scour protection on benthic habitats and fish populations compared to traditional scour protection. The goal is to examine biological growth within the scour protection system and surrounding seabed, focusing on changes in species populations and fish diversity using Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis, high-resolution multibeam mapping, and finfish habitat and community modeling.

2022 - ongoing

Project dates

Long Island, NY, USA


ECOncrete, Stony Brook University, NYSERDA

Project lead and partners

Benthic and fish species

Target species

  • Scour and cable protection


Products used on this project

ECOncrete scour protection solution


ECOncrete® scour protection solution is designed to optimize the scour and cable protection systems to create diverse habitats for marine life to settle, grow, and thrive. The nature-inclusive and interlocking design of the solution allows for biological enhancement and supports the creation of habitats for diverse marine fauna and flora species while providing the durability, seamless operational functionality (production and installation), and hydraulic stability required.

Scour and cable protection
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