Wind turbines and platforms

Nature enhancement solutions
Wind turbines and platforms

Nature in the blueprints

True nature inclusive designs incorporate nature from the start, and wind turbines and platforms enable many opportunities for this. Designs or products can be integrated into a structure; for example, an artificial reef attached the foundation of a wind turbine, or a fish hotel secured to a platform leg. This also includes elements intentionally omitted from the design, such as a water replenishment holes. Designs can be tailor-made to support specific species or habitats, including fish and shellfish species, macro-algae and reef habitats.


By adjusting designs of assets, such as foundations or anchoring, we can help to attract species and increase biodiversity. Prioritizing nature in the design of marine assets can lead to a long-lasting impact for the nature-inclusive energy transition in offshore wind farms.

Giving pout a reason to smile

Pout fish

In the North Sea, pouting equals happiness! Pout or pouting (Trisopterus luscus) is a typical reef-benefitting fish species. Living in the greater North Sea area, they can be found among underwater structures such as wrecks or foundations of industrial assets. Pout are usually the first fish to be spotted when there are extra shelter and feeding opportunities. Nature inclusive designs of wind turbines or platforms create new habitats for prey species like pout, which also helps the entire food chain including cod, seals, and harbour porpoises.

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Enhancement ideas

Reef type add-on

  • cover High
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Implemented in design
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover Scalable
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Adjusted structure designs

  • cover Medium
  • cover Mobile and sessile species
  • cover Implemented in design
  • cover True nature inclusive design
  • cover Scalable
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Broodstock add-ons

  • cover High
  • cover European flat oyster
  • cover Implemented in design
  • cover Broodstock outplacement
  • cover Scalable
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Example projects

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