Stand-alone structures

Nature enhancement solutions
About stand-alone structures

Starter homes of the sea

Many species benefit from increased habitat complexity and food options provided by stand-alone structures. These units aren’t attached to turbines or platforms, and function without them. They can be installed in between turbines, in or outside of safety zones (depending on national regulations), and on or next to scour protection. In some cases, stand-alone structures can be installed with their own scour protection measures where needed.


Artificial reefs are one example of stand-alone structures. As a biodiversity headquarter, reefs are essential to many marine areas and species. Offshore wind turbines and related structures may have ‘reef effects,’ but aren’t designed to stimulate reef formations. Adding artificial reefs to wind farms can enhance reef effects and support populations of fish and benthic species.

Underwater urban planners

European flat oyster

Native to the North Sea, the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) is known for its ability to build reefs that attract other species. However, flat oyster reefs have mostly disappeared from the Dutch North Sea area. By clustering together, flat oysters create biodiversity hotspots that attract species like goldsinny wrasse, cod and spotted catshark. Sponges, tubeworms, hydroids, anemones, and crustaceans will also settle in, creating a vibrant scene!


Although their larval spread is limited, we can help to reintroduce them by releasing living oysters loose or in broodstock structures and providing settlement materials such as artificial reefs and clean shell material to offshore wind farms.

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Ideas for stand-alone structures

Broodstock structures

  • cover High
  • cover European flat oyster
  • cover Crane
  • cover Broodstock outplacement
  • cover Living broodstock needed
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Tree reef being lifted above sea surface with blue vessel in the back


  • cover Medium
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Vessel, big bags or crane
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover No need for decommissioning
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Large artificial reefs

  • cover High
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Crane
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover Adjustable designs
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Small artificial reefs

  • cover Medium
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Big bags or vessel
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover Adjustable designs
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Boulders and stones

  • cover Low
  • cover Benthic species
  • cover Big bags or vessel
  • cover Hiding and settlement
  • cover No synthetic materials
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