Oyster Broodstock Structures in Luchterduinen

For this project, The Rich North Sea collaborated with Eneco and Van Oord to improve on the design of structures used in a previous pilot project focused on European flat oysters in offshore wind farms. With a newer, more stable oyster broodstock structure design, this project would answer how the structure performs on the scour protection around the monopiles in the Luchterduinen offshore wind farm in terms of stability, sediment coverage and oyster survival/reproduction, as well as in terms of practical placement, maintenance and costs.


Project dates

Luchterduinen OWF (NL)


The Rich North Sea, Eneco, Van Oord

Project lead and partners

European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis)

Target species

How do you place 250 oysters into the sea?

Oyster broodstock structure placement

All about oyster broodstock structure placement

Learn more about the broodstock structures and their installation in the Luchterduinen Offshore Wind Farm.


Products used on this project

Oyster Broodstock Structure Luchterduinen

Van Oord

This broodstock structure consists of a concrete slab and vertically placed concrete poles where flat oysters can be glued. The structure has a lifting eye, and can be placed on scour protection or other stable surfaces. No maintenance is needed. Oysters are at a low risk of suffocating by sedimentation, but are exposed to biofouling and potential predation.

Stand-alone structures
living adult European flat oyster

Live adult European flat oysters

Some species need a lift to get back to their original habitats. Flat oysters used to inhabit large parts of the North Sea, but have been pushed to extinction in many places. Releasing adult oysters into the wild can boost the natural population. For more information on living flat oysters, please refer to the oyster guide.

Scour and cable protection
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