Fish Hotels in HKN

This project by TenneT aims to measure biodiversity from nature inclusive designs installed around an offshore high voltage station in the Hollandse Kust Noord platform. When various species of small fish populate marine ecosystems like fish hotels, other marine species follow due to increased food availability. To provide shelter and safe foraging for small fish, Ecocean’s fish hotels were attached to the platform legs of a jacket. The team measured differences of species diversity and volume in jackets with and without fish hotels.

2021 - 2025

Project dates

Platform in Hollandse Kust Noord OWF (NL)


TenneT, Ecocean

Project lead and partners

Fish species

Target species

How can fish hotels pave the way for more habitats?

Checking into fish hotels

Watch an interview with Saskia Jaarsma (TenneT) during a workshop organized by RGI and the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN). ‘Fish Hotels’ were installed in 2021 with the goal of creating new habitat opportunities for marine species.


Products used on this project

biohut for oysters by ecocean



The Biohut is a metal cage structure which offers shelter for species to swim inside. Biohuts can be filled with substrate (for example, shell material), and living shellfish for added habitat complexity and population restoration.

Wind turbines and platforms
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Fish Hotels

Fish Hotels are metal constructions which can be placed on assets such as jacket legs of offshore platforms. Inside the metal construction, smaller cages can be placed such as a Biohut. The Fish Hotel offers stability and protection for the product on the inside.

Wind turbines and platforms

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