Eco-friendly reef restoration

This project aimed to develop and study new methods to reintroduce and monitor flat oyster reefs and related biodiversity in offshore wind farms. The project goals included monitoring pilots with the restoration of European flat oyster beds in offshore wind farms, developing new monitoring methods to assess the effectiveness of these pilots while reducing costs and increasing scientific output, and understanding the environmental background of the pilots through intensive monitoring and modelling of surrounding parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity, food availability, turbulence). Additionally, the project aimed to analyse, discuss, and publish the findings in scientific and industrial literature, and to advise on the eco-friendly design of future wind farms. Execution of this project would not only assist with restoration efforts in Dutch marine waters and provide a competitive edge for Dutch research organizations, but could also inform research applied to future projects in other North Sea countries.


Project dates

Gemini OWF (NL) and other locations in the Dutch North Sea


Wageningen Marine Research, Waardenburg Ecology, Deltares, Sas Consultancy, Gemini OWF

Project lead and partners

European flat oyster, benthic species and habitat

Target species

All about Eco-Friend

Eco-Friend explained

Watch this video on the Eco-Friend project to learn more about the project goals, impact and results.

Placing dummy oysters for Eco-Friend

Dummy oysters

To study oyster mobility on the seafloor, Eco-Friend deployed dummy oysters for easy tracking. Watch this video to view how the deployment of dummy oysters was done in practice.


Products used on this project

living adult European flat oyster

Live adult European flat oysters

Some species need a lift to get back to their original habitats. Flat oysters used to inhabit large parts of the North Sea, but have been pushed to extinction in many places. Releasing adult oysters into the wild can boost the natural population. For more information on living flat oysters, please refer to the oyster guide.

Scour and cable protection
Visit website

WERC dock

The WERC dock is a robust device which holds oyster baskets on three layers over a fixed pole. Stabilized by four widespread arms, it is easily deployable and retrievable from the seafloor using ROV. This structure supports flat oyster restoration pilots aiming to initiate self-sustaining population recovery.

Stand-alone structures

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