Vineyard Wind 1, an 800-megawatt offshore wind project, required mitigation in ecologically sensitive areas of the project to comply with federal environmental permitting requirements. In 2023, ECOncrete supplied Nature Inclusive Marine Mattresses to provide cable protection and stabilization while creating diverse habitats and environmental conditions to enhance marine biodiversity. In this project, standard concrete mattresses were not permitted, whereas ECOncrete mattresses were allowed due to their Nature Inclusive Design (NID) and mitigation benefits.
This project stands out as ECOncrete provided nature enhancements as a solution to a commercial project. Made with bio-enhancing concrete and an ecologically engineered NID, ECOncrete marine mattresses fully comply with the regulatory environmental requirements for the Vineyard Wind 1 project and subsequent permitting processes, supporting epibenthic growth, providing three-dimensional complexity, and ultimately offering a nature-inclusive cable protection solution.